
At InCommodities, we believe in fostering a culture of honesty, transparency, and integrity. This commitment extends to encouraging everyone from our colleagues to our business partners, customers, and suppliers to use our whistleblower scheme to disclose any concerns or suspicions they might have about potential breaches of EU law, without the fear of reprisal, securely and under full confidentiality.  

What can you report? 

You can use our whistleblower scheme to report concerns or suspicions of actual or potential breaches, unethical or illegal activities, irregularities, wrongdoings, unlawful behaviour and financial misconduct, such as: criminal offenses, competition law breaches, breaches of health and safety legislation, breaches of protection of privacy and personal data and discrimination. 

If you are unsure whether your report falls within the whistleblower scheme's scope, we nevertheless encourage you to use the whistleblower scheme. 

Although we welcome you to identify yourself in the report, in order to facilitate the proper investigation of your concern, it is possible to remain completely anonymous.

How does it work?

All whistleblower reports submitted through the whistleblower scheme are received by an external third party, PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab). As an independent audit firm, PwC will ensure an independent confidential channel for you to report your concern or suspicion. 

Following their initial assessment, PwC will forward your report to InCommodities' Whistleblower Unit, which is responsible for overseeing the whistleblower scheme, making decisions in investigations, and ensuring compliance with the law and InCommodities' whisteblower policy.

Submit a report?

Click on the link below to use our secure whisteblower platform to submit your report.

Please note that to guarantee your complete anonymity, you should use your personal device to submit a report.